1. blackmore::rural_life
  2. dhlawrencer::aaronsrod
    The text of D. H. Lawrence's novel "Aaron's Rod"
  3. dhlawrencer::lostgirl
    The text of D. H. Lawrence's novel "The Lost Girl"
  4. dhlawrencer::peacock
    The text of D. H. Lawrence's novel "The White Peacock"
  5. dhlawrencer::rainbow
    The text of D. H. Lawrence's novel "The Rainbow"
  6. dhlawrencer::sonsandlovers
    The text of D. H. Lawrence's novel "Sons and Lovers"
  7. dhlawrencer::womeninlove
    The text of D. H. Lawrence's novel "Women in Love"
  8. thomashardyr::greenwood
    The text of Thomas Hardy's novel "Under the Greenwood Tree"
  9. thomashardyr::jude
    The text of Thomas Hardy's novel "Jude the Obscure"
  10. thomashardyr::maddingcrowd
    The text of Thomas Hardy's novel "Far from the Madding Crowd"
  11. thomashardyr::mayor
    The text of Thomas Hardy's novel "The Mayor of Casterbridge"
  12. thomashardyr::native
    The text of Thomas Hardy's novel "The Return of the Native"
  13. thomashardyr::tess
    The text of Thomas Hardy's novel "Tess of the D'Urbervilles"
  14. thomashardyr::woodlanders
    The text of Thomas Hardy's novel "The Woodlanders"